We are Men of Virtue
Chi Phi stands at a pivotal point in our path forward as a National Fraternity. We are proud of our rich history, values, and current growth, but we recognize the challenges that undergraduate men encounter on campuses across the nation today continue to test the future of Fraternities like ours. Chi Phi will prevail if our Fraternity and Educational Trust are prepared to provide more leadership training, scholarship support, and educational resources to help our Brothers, Chapters, and Associated Chapters thrive despite the complex campus cultures through which they currently navigate.
In our pursuit to Build Better Men, the Chi Phi Educational Trust established the Men of Virtue Fund to help raise critical, unrestricted funds to benefit our Brotherhood.
With your investment in the Men of Virtue Fund, your unrestricted and tax-deductible gifts enable the Chi Phi Educational Trust to support our Brothers and advance our Fraternity so that we may Build Better Men of values, men of principle, and Men of Virtue.

We invite you to join us as a donor to this Fund with a gift that will support the following priorities.
Leadership education programs and Leadership Grants INitiative

Goal: Expand opportunities for more undergraduates, emerging leaders, and officers to attend transformative leadership educational programs including the Regional Leadership Alliance, Alphas and Thetas Academy, and campus-based programs that provide timely training and resources pertinent to helping our Brothers become better leaders on campus and in our global society.
Academic Scholarships

Goal: Increase academic scholarship support for our best and brightest Brothers whose academic accomplishments strengthen our Fraternity and their future endeavors. As tuition rates continue to climb, scholarship applications to the Educational Trust will continue to increase as well. Currently, the Trust annually awards merit-based scholarship funding to approximately 20% of Educational Trust scholarship applicants due to limited funding.
Staff Resources

Goal: Enhance on-the-ground staff and resources paramount to helping educate and guide our Chapters, Associated Chapters, and Brothers through leadership and officer training as well as risk management.
History and Heritage

Goal: Preserve our history and heritage through Chi Phi’s annual Regional Ritual Retreats and our Fraternity’s innovative digital archives project that will preserve Chapter memorabilia, documents, and photos while connecting our Brothers around the world for generations to come.
Please download the Men of Virtue Fund brochure to read more about the Chi Phi Educational Trust’s priorities and the inspiring stories of how your gifts will make a difference.
Our brotherhood continues with you
With your investment in the Men of Virtue Fund, your unrestricted and tax-deductible gifts enable the Chi Phi Educational Trust to support our Brothers and advance our Fraternity so that we may Build Better Men of values, men of principle, and Men of Virtue.