
To promote scholastic achievement and to help Chi Phi Brothers be better men, the Chi Phi Educational Trust awards approximately $100,000 in academic and member development scholarships on a yearly basis. During the 2024-2025 fiscal year, forty-seven Chi Phi Brothers received merit based scholarships thanks to the generous financial support provided by Alumni, parents, and friends. These merit-based academic scholarships honor those who both work hard to achieve academic success and serve their Chapter. Brothers must be in good standing with the Fraternity to be eligible.
The 2025 Scholarship Application is now LIVE. All application materials must be submitted by March 7, 2025, by 11:59pm (Eastern). No exceptions are made to this deadline.
Applications for all scholarships are evaluated by a volunteer panel made up of Chi Phi Alumni. Applications are scored on the foloowing categories:
- Grade Point Average
- Leadership and Involvement (Chi Phi, Campus, and Community)
- Community Service & Philanthropy
- Educational/Professional Achievements
The application no longer requires a cover letter or letter of recommendation, rather there are short response questions for applicants as well as specific short response questions for recommenders.
Applying for an Academic Scholarship
Once after the application is submitted, the Scholarship Review Committee will match qualified applicants to all available scholarships for which they are eligible. Most scholarships award amounts range between $1,000 and $5,000 and all are for one academic year.
Please note that Chi Phi Brothers can be awarded a lifetime maximum of $10,000 in scholarships by the Educational Trust. This does not include any scholarships awarded directly from a Chapter Excellence Fund.
Creating a Scholarship
Alumni, friends, Chapters, Alumni Associations and Alumni Clubs can endow and name a scholarship with a gift of $50,000 or more. To learn more about creating a named scholarship that will recognize and reward students in perpetuity, contact Executive Director Laura Landry at 404-231-1824.